A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Burundi over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-01-14 09:37:23 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Burundi')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 450 total users in the region and you need at least 0 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![eplus.dev badge](https://user-badge.eplus.dev/burundi_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.eplus.dev/burundi_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![eplus.dev badge](https://org-badge.eplus.dev/burundi_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.eplus.dev/burundi_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | EdgarEldy (Edgar MUHAMYANGABO) |
9113 | |
2. | allyelvis (Ally Elvis Nzeyimana) |
6703 | |
3. | JovinMtl (Nsanzumukiza Thierry) |
4109 | |
4. | chriscedrick (Mugisho Lwango Cédric) |
3210 | |
5. | dukizwe (Darcy Dev) |
2694 | |
2637 | |
7. | sgenlecroyant (Franck Nsabimana) |
2454 | |
8. | arsou2015 (Arsene Nduwayo) |
2452 | |
9. | Blaise28 (MANIRAKIZA Blaise) |
1901 | |
10. | ArtcalO (The Lone Wolf) |
1680 | |
11. | TonyV23 (HAKIZIMANA Tony Carlin) |
1565 | |
12. | muco-rolle (Trésor Muco) |
1488 | |
13. | NIMPAYE (christian belly NIMPAYE) |
1399 | |
14. | kiddocoder (Trésor Ndayikeza) |
1283 | |
15. | AntaresMugisho (Antares) |
1260 | |
16. | mugar (mugabo armand) |
1149 | |
17. | dieudonnecostes (Dieudonne Assumani) |
1036 | |
18. | TonyBimenyi () |
828 | |
19. | mudjaycker (MARYIMANA BUTOYI) |
799 | |
20. | clvrdesign (Clever Designer) |
752 | |
21. | angelokezimana (Aimé Angelo Kezimana) |
749 | |
22. | tertcoder (Bon Tertius Tuyishimire ) |
738 | |
23. | abdillah14 (Abdillah Ally) |
708 | |
24. | Souverain08 (Souverain joseph) |
700 | |
25. | ShwaibLeBon (Shwaïb LeBon Ndabashinze) |
683 | |
26. | IGICOCORO (Guy-Michel NDUWIMANA) |
678 | |
27. | ngchrbn (Guy Cherubin) |
674 | |
28. | kalculata (Huzaifa Nimushimirimana) |
670 | |
29. | Ace7260 (Irakoze Eddy Nobel) |
605 | |
30. | dondelice257 (Don Delice Dushime) |
585 | |
31. | ktscates (Cates NSENGIYUMVA) |
551 | |
32. | jspmic (jspmic) |
520 | |
33. | munyeshaka (Aimable Munyeshaka) |
492 | |
34. | butofleury (Fleury) |
460 | |
35. | clovdeveloper (Muyizigire) |
430 | |
36. | Hafgun (Alain Fleury) |
429 | |
37. | Guy-Gustave (NIGABA GUY GUSTAVE) |
426 | |
38. | ChrispaixK (Chrispaix Kaze) |
413 | |
39. | radsungura (Aimé RUKUNDO) |
401 | |
40. | NiBienvenu (Bienvenu Nicimpaye) |
377 | |
41. | sopranoelfuego (aubinishimwe) |
339 | |
42. | srugano (Allan Stockman RUGANO ) |
333 | |
43. | Kubwubuntu-Beracca (@Beracca) |
319 | |
44. | redMulla (Vassilly Ibinkwiye) |
262 | |
45. | VanGoethe (7r322) |
247 | |
46. | DanielCiroy (Daniel ciroy) |
240 | |
47. | Ngrano21 (Ngabirano Donald) |
237 | |
48. | HolyFrancis (dholy) |
233 | |
49. | binmulindi6 (Tommy Abraham) |
232 | |
50. | emerick-pro (Emeric Mugiraneza) |
227 | |
51. | wilfriedpapt89 (Wilfried ARAKAZA) |
208 | |
52. | ahishakiyeyv (Yvan Igor AHISHAKIYE) |
202 | |
53. | SanzamahoroErickJackson (SANZAMAHORO Erick Jackson) |
200 | |
54. | TedJoyeux (IMPUNDU Joyeux-Thévenin) |
198 | |
55. | georgesamoskey (Georges Katiera Amos (Aigle)) |
195 | |
56. | Matogota97 (MATOGOTA Hermes) |
166 | |
57. | gatarelib (Gatare Libère) |
163 | |
58. | emmadiblo (Emmadiblo uwizeyimana) |
153 | |
59. | korineza () |
130 | |
60. | Getro31 (Semushahu ) |
127 | |
61. | Diop-Nikuze (Diop Nikuze) |
120 | |
62. | miguelandy875 (Habyarimana Andy Miguel) |
112 | |
63. | Toussaint-Coder (2.saint) |
109 | |
64. | Herve2iko (Ikorineza Hervé Delice) |
109 | |
65. | Leandros98 (NIMPAGARITSE Leandre) |
104 | |
66. | eloge257 (eloge257) |
100 | |
67. | jakin6 (IRISA Jakin) |
95 | |
68. | Ahmadfils () |
89 | |
69. | jackson05 (Jackson RUGAMBA) |
86 | |
70. | TuyisengeEdgar (Tuyisenge Edgar) |
85 | |
71. | JubuNiyokoDev (Jubu Niyoko Dev) |
83 | |
72. | Jean-Lionel (Jean Lionel) |
83 | |
73. | WCanirinka (Wilfried Canirinka) |
80 | |
74. | demuk (Kiptoo Dennis) |
80 | |
75. | michaelndale (MICHAEL NDALE) |
79 | |
76. | AngeFlower (Ineza Ange Fleurisse) |
78 | |
77. | joffreynk (Joffrey NKESHIMANA) |
74 | |
78. | albin488 (albin tabara) |
74 | |
79. | ntzwilly (Willy NTAZAMA) |
65 | |
80. | Fufunahimana (Fulgence nahimana) |
63 | |
81. | mikekwizera (Mike Kwizera) |
62 | |
82. | itangishak (Itangishaka J.Esterique) |
61 | |
83. | RodrigueNdab (Rodrigue Ndabashinze) |
61 | |
84. | NKellyD (Niyuhire Kelly Derlin) |
61 | |
85. | urbain32 (Urbain) |
60 | |
86. | Tutyonick-Oscar () |
56 | |
87. | berrgrayson (Berry Grayson Niyongabo) |
55 | |
88. | AndreaG202 (AndreaG) |
52 | |
89. | sagintel (sagintel) |
50 | |
90. | Trezzmann (Armand Nahimana) |
48 | |
91. | Heirbdi (heir) |
47 | |
92. | Rubn1 (Rubn mercy) |
46 | |
93. | abdoulsalamally (Abdoul Salam Ally) |
44 | |
94. | Irakozemasenge (Irakoze jean de Dieu) |
43 | |
95. | Wilondja243 (Luckson) |
41 | |
96. | Jodick-Ndayisenga (Jodick Ndayisenga) |
41 | |
97. | ahmadwarren (Ahmad) |
37 | |
98. | mercyplaisir (Mercy Plaisir) |
36 | |
99. | irutaxcel (IRUTAVYOSE Fernand Axcel) |
36 | |
100. | KennyChrisUmurundi (Kenny Chris Ndayikengurukiye) |
35 | |
101. | GunziThanzo (Gustave Nzitunga) |
33 | |
102. | jamesamuli (James Amuli) |
33 | |
103. | carmel26 (ʞИ.Ɔ) |
33 | |
104. | ericsson048 (Ericsson ISHAKA) |
31 | |
105. | IdrissaMurenga (Idriss ) |
30 | |
106. | FirDel67 (SHADDAÏ First) |
29 | |
107. | ndieric (Eric Ndihokubwayo) |
29 | |
108. | twizy (Twizy) |
26 | |
109. | Carmeldn (carmeldon) |
26 | |
110. | Ndikuma (Idris Ndikumana) |
25 | |
111. | hussein257 (Iradukunda Hussein CB) |
23 | |
112. | diegoBgd (Dieudonné Nizigiyimana) |
23 | |
113. | NiTheoneste (Théoneste Nizerimana ) |
22 | |
114. | ManirambonaAlainVeron (Alain Veron) |
20 | |
115. | Hemedi12 (Hemedi) |
20 | |
116. | MulokoPrince (PrimeXE) |
20 | |
117. | Aarondiho (Aaron Ndihokubwayo) |
19 | |
118. | Jimmy243 (Jimmy Wakilongo) |
19 | |
119. | MaksBazkis65 () |
18 | |
120. | Janeirohurley (Janeiro hurley) |
18 | |
121. | Elie-mugisa ($Elie-m) |
17 | |
122. | abrahamuller (Abraham Muller) |
16 | |
123. | Senior033 (Senior Sebarundi) |
15 | |
124. | Desire1990 (Desos_Wajos) |
15 | |
125. | Kamikazihafsa (kamikazi hafsa) |
15 | |
126. | wivinnasri (Wivin Nasri) |
15 | |
127. | willyblord (willyblord) |
14 | |
128. | Kirogodye (Kirogodye) |
14 | |
14 | |
130. | saidiniyonkuru (ZealBabu) |
13 | |
131. | annyndayiragije1 (annyndayirgije1) |
12 | |
132. | EricNyongolo (Eric Nyongolo) |
12 | |
133. | klauskira07 (Klaus KIRA) |
12 | |
134. | mfabricerwath (Mugisha) |
11 | |
135. | Kaferas (Kaferas) |
11 | |
136. | kulondwa (KulondwaLandry) |
10 | |
137. | dorian257 (Rev. Dorian NIYONGABO) |
9 | |
138. | joebdi (Alain Joel Kenese) |
9 | |
139. | Karyuryujean (Karyuryujean) |
8 | |
140. | bertrand257 (John Bertrand) |
8 | |
141. | linkiratanga (Link Iratanga) |
8 | |
142. | DanAtibu (Dan Atibu) |
8 | |
143. | nishalbruce (Alain Bruce Nishimwe) |
7 | |
144. | Mutimanwa (calvinDev) |
7 | |
145. | bonheurKhmr (bonheur baleke) |
7 | |
146. | VainqueurGithub (Vainqueur BULAMBO) |
7 | |
7 | |
148. | Yuliyusi (NDIHOKUBWAYO Jules) |
7 | |
149. | kakulealphani (christophe bitale) |
7 | |
150. | MProvi01 (MProvi01) |
7 | |
151. | Venasetabo (Rashidi Etabo) |
6 | |
152. | Staminator11 (Stormzy) |
6 | |
153. | Evran0 (Eddy Poli) |
6 | |
154. | Heir2050 (Heir NDIREZE) |
6 | |
155. | Mugishaelvi (MUGISHA Elvis) |
6 | |
156. | andyspaink (NIHEZAGIRE ANDY) |
6 | |
157. | NickBa257 () |
6 | |
158. | moise156 (Moise Nsonsa) |
5 | |
159. | Junior-M-Richard () |
5 | |
160. | tijo91 (HAVYARIMANA Jean Thierry) |
5 | |
161. | UrkoChaparro (Urko) |
5 | |
162. | Alimasi-severin (Alimasi séverin) |
5 | |
163. | Pacifique257 (MUGISHA Pacifique) |
5 | |
164. | Ambaza-Marcelo (Ambaza Marcellin) |
5 | |
165. | Fernandayikeje (Fernand NDAYIKEJE) |
5 | |
166. | CodeLearner2024 (NDIHOKUBWAYO Eric) |
5 | |
167. | 19851106 (DUNIA BUTOTIMA Didier) |
4 | |
168. | mworoha (Mworoha Br) |
4 | |
169. | salimnjopeka (Salim Ally Njopeka) |
4 | |
170. | Elvir9495 (Elvir Ninteretse) |
4 | |
171. | jesusestime (JESUS ESTIME NDAGUHEREJE) |
4 | |
172. | Ismael-70 (Hamenyimana Ismaël ) |
3 | |
173. | jona941 (Jonathan NIYOKWIZERA) |
3 | |
174. | Naacs32 (Naacs Creative) |
3 | |
175. | Davidhaston (David NISHIMWE) |
3 | |
176. | KingDes1 (KingDes1) |
3 | |
177. | ITPro-Hemedi (Hemedi) |
3 | |
178. | lilmikelion () |
3 | |
179. | RichardPro68030 (Niyomwungere Richard ) |
3 | |
180. | madosgroup (Mados Group) |
3 | |
181. | Therenceprogrammer (IRAKOZE Therence) |
3 | |
182. | 67788804 (Espere) |
3 | |
183. | kellybreezy17 (Kelly Design) |
3 | |
184. | jeremy-ricky () |
3 | |
185. | Claytoncreator (Clayton Nouvel an ITERITEKA) |
2 | |
186. | br788 (Gael Brian ) |
2 | |
187. | Nahfulg () |
2 | |
188. | DarrellMweneb (Darrel ) |
2 | |
189. | shakajeancamille (Jean Camille SHAKA) |
2 | |
190. | bennykazima (Benny KAZIMA) |
2 | |
191. | Jonado257 (JEAN DE DIEU IZOBISHITSA) |
2 | |
192. | ildephonse-muke (Ildephonse Muke) |
2 | |
193. | pacifique243 (Pacifique) |
2 | |
194. | hakichris (Christian Hakizimana) |
2 | |
195. | pierreclaverkoko (Pierre-Claver Koko Banywerha) |
2 | |
196. | tutubunso (Butungane Aymard) |
2 | |
197. | Jirampaye (IRAMPAYE Jean Marie) |
2 | |
198. | Dev-zawadi-selemani (Guy Zachariah) |
1 | |
199. | Niyongere257 (Niyongere) |
1 | |
200. | joelntwariyimana (JOEL NTWARIYIMANA) |
1 | |
201. | Advaxe (Advaxe Ndayisenga) |
1 | |
202. | NdayishimiyeGilbert (NdayishimiyeGilbert ) |
1 | |
203. | niyvan (Nihezagire Yvan) |
1 | |
204. | schammahmuhizi (schammah) |
1 | |
205. | bienvenubig (big) |
1 | |
1 | |
207. | niikwandre (André Phocas NIKWIGIZE) |
1 | |
208. | makungunorbert (Kapanga) |
1 | |
209. | ChrispinMk (Chrispin Mkangya) |
1 | |
210. | MoiseBms (Moise Sumaili Bernard) |
1 | |
211. | SadockKevin (Sadock Kevin ) |
1 | |
212. | divinrule (Divin Nduwimana) |
1 | |
213. | Afriregister (Afriregister) |
1 | |
214. | abvelin (Avélin ABABIBE ARAKAZA) |
1 | |
215. | Anitta21 (Anitta) |
1 | |
216. | Gahuet (Gahutech) |
1 | |
217. | matekaGaga () |
1 | |
218. | ezechiasengineer (EZECHIAS ESA) |
1 | |
219. | BimpaDanielIr (Daniel bimpa Ir ) |
1 | |
220. | amanisoftdev (Amani) |
1 | |
221. | liberatricebaizer (liberatrice bayizere) |
0 | |
222. | Ber30M () |
0 | |
223. | naposimba1 (Napoléon SIMBANDUMWE) |
0 | |
224. | rene-mu (rene) |
0 | |
225. | iammarcellin (Bashirahishize Marcellin) |
0 | |
226. | SylvaMARHEGANE (Sylva) |
0 | |
227. | tony-carlin (TONY CARLIN HAKIZIMANA) |
0 | |
228. | 79285802 (Pochel D. ITANGITEKA) |
0 | |
229. | banks45 (Fleury Banks) |
0 | |
230. | Espoirlukusa (Espoir lukusa) |
0 | |
231. | oddonsele (Oddon Ghost) |
0 | |
232. | PrimeR3540 (Prime) |
0 | |
233. | nadvaxe (Advaxe Ndayisenga) |
0 | |
234. | placideDev (PlacideDev) |
0 | |
235. | archangeNgabirano (archange) |
0 | |
236. | ndenzako (NDENZAKO EUGENE) |
0 | |
237. | MANIMPA (MANIMPA Tresor) |
0 | |
238. | hicintuka (Hicintuka didier) |
0 | |
239. | mwambaro (Obed-Edom Nkezabahizi) |
0 | |
240. | 6778880 (Espère ) |
0 | |
241. | abaravelin (Avélin ABABIBE ARAKAZA) |
0 | |
242. | hilbaru (Hilaire) |
0 | |
243. | duetran (Due Tran) |
0 | |
244. | blessinghkz (Blessing hkz) |
0 | |
245. | bacny-high-tech (Fiston BAYUBAHE) |
0 | |
246. | Mwangazi (kelvin wambali) |
0 | |
247. | NdanyuzweJOE (Ndanyuzwe NK Joe) |
0 | |
248. | vovota (Vovota ) |
0 | |
249. | ntunzwenimana (Aaron Hard Mabuye) |
0 | |
250. | Jado4JC (Jean de Dieu Ntakirutimana) |
0 | |
251. | FredericMwamba (Mwamba Frederic) |
0 | |
252. | Blai-P-Li (Izodutunga Blaise Pascal) |
0 | |
253. | habimanaa (habimana) |
0 | |
254. | HSlutions (Habimana Y) |
0 | |
255. | jeannoeljano (Horimbere Jean noel vacily) |
0 | |
256. | speedynkezimana (Speedy) |
0 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | ubuhingavizion | 2 |
2. | aclisafrica | 2 |
3. | sewilio | 2 |
4. | alc-nakuru | 1 |
5. | gchrbn | 1 |
6. | uzaverse-pay | 1 |
7. | eddiehubcommunity | 1 |
8. | dsc-kabu-hack | 1 |
9. | mados-tech | 1 |
10. | rundidevcommunity | 1 |