A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Chile over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-01-14 10:14:21 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Chile')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 33001 total users in the region and you need at least 18 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![eplus.dev badge](https://user-badge.eplus.dev/chile_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.eplus.dev/chile_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![eplus.dev badge](https://org-badge.eplus.dev/chile_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.eplus.dev/chile_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | felipealfonsog (Felipe Alfonso González) |
60348 | |
2. | fnmendez (Franco Mendez) |
16815 | |
3. | sebavidal10 (Sebastian Vidal Aedo) |
16371 | |
4. | VicenteMerino (Vicente Merino) |
11369 | |
5. | MARSFOREVER472 (Marcelo Andrés) |
7511 | |
6. | Yhozen (Gabriel Pérez) |
7344 | |
7. | Faithgel (Angelo) |
7105 | |
8. | cnovoab (Claudio Novoa) |
6162 | |
9. | tomas (Tomás Pollak) |
5855 | |
10. | Cfvillarroel (Carlos Villarroel) |
4995 | |
11. | CarloGauss33 (Carlos Paredes) |
4906 | |
12. | josebarross () |
4863 | |
13. | pviojo (Pablo Viojo) |
4829 | |
14. | margavicunas (Margarita Vicuña) |
4779 | |
15. | felixalguzman (Félix Alejandro Guzmán) |
4550 | |
16. | abelorian (Abel O'Rian) |
4359 | |
17. | meretamal (Moisés Retamal) |
4355 | |
18. | richonguzman (Ricardo Guzman (Richonguzman)) |
4268 | |
19. | mquezada (Mauricio Quezada) |
4229 | |
20. | ciscoLegrand (ciscoLegrand) |
4177 | |
21. | bm0x (Rafael Méndez Pacheco) |
4149 | |
22. | maureenmaremaa (Maureen Maremaa) |
4122 | |
23. | MiguelHigueraDev (Miguel Higuera) |
4007 | |
24. | montoyamoraga (aarón montoya-moraga) |
3973 | |
25. | sito8943 (Sito) |
3836 | |
26. | fbarriosCL (Felipe Barrios) |
3824 | |
27. | endersonmenezes (Enderson Menezes (Mr. Enderson)) |
3705 | |
28. | kyuumeitai (Álex Acuña Viera) |
3665 | |
29. | nicolaslopezj (Nicolás López Jullian) |
3633 | |
30. | Andres6936 (Joan Andrés) |
3630 | |
31. | cnsfeir (Cristóbal Sfeir) |
3380 | |
32. | royarzun (Ricardo Oyarzun) |
3339 | |
33. | nicolasguridi (Nicolás Guridi) |
3258 | |
34. | vichudo (Vicente González) |
3190 | |
35. | Baelfire18 (Jose Antonio Castro) |
3145 | |
36. | npulidom (Nicolas Pulido M.) |
3114 | |
37. | blackjid (Juan Ignacio Donoso) |
3070 | |
38. | ppizarror (Pablo Pizarro R.) |
3060 | |
39. | domingo2000 (Domingo Edwards) |
2987 | |
40. | justalemon (Hannele Ruiz) |
2932 | |
41. | mframos3 (Matías Ramos) |
2928 | |
42. | JosefaPaz (Josefa Paz España H.) |
2859 | |
43. | limcross (Sebastián Orellana) |
2807 | |
44. | stratolark (Lark) |
2807 | |
45. | rieg-ec () |
2760 | |
46. | juanlatorre (Juan Latorre) |
2745 | |
47. | CristobalAlvarez (Cristobal Alvarez) |
2732 | |
48. | IsraPerez98 (Israel Perez) |
2575 | |
49. | patriciogutierrez (patricio gutierrez) |
2568 | |
50. | DeGsoft (Diego Ezequiel Guillén) |
2550 | |
51. | fceruti (Francisco Ceruti) |
2517 | |
52. | aledbf (Manuel Alejandro de Brito Fontes) |
2467 | |
53. | JonDotsoy (Jonathan Delgado) |
2460 | |
54. | AndresGarciadelaHuerta () |
2430 | |
55. | AmbrosioV () |
2416 | |
56. | estebanmino (Esteban Miño) |
2404 | |
57. | ofou (Omar Nomad) |
2402 | |
58. | imarquezc (Ignacio Márquez) |
2396 | |
59. | cquiroz (Carlos Quiroz) |
2382 | |
60. | Rodrigo-Flores (Rodrigo Flores) |
2372 | |
61. | bamavrakis (Bastián Mavrakis Córdova) |
2366 | |
62. | DmACKGL (Franco Sanllehi) |
2363 | |
63. | agomezcampero (Agustin Gomez) |
2351 | |
64. | jerosalazar (Jeronimo Salazar) |
2349 | |
65. | aaguilarg (Agustín Aguilar Gutiérrez) |
2343 | |
66. | khpark2 (Keon Ho Park) |
2322 | |
67. | geekhadev (Irwing) |
2259 | |
68. | camipozas (Camila Pozas) |
2197 | |
69. | mvargas33 (Maximiliano Vargas) |
2158 | |
70. | bohaz (Ricardo Martínez) |
2156 | |
71. | vogelino (Lucas Vogel) |
2149 | |
72. | daleal (Daniel Leal) |
2140 | |
73. | flouMicaza (Florencia) |
2117 | |
74. | joadr (Joaquin Diaz) |
2089 | |
75. | Banfanci (Benjamin) |
2075 | |
76. | ronzalo (Gonzalo Moreno) |
2034 | |
77. | nmosnaim (Nicolás Mosnaim) |
2032 | |
78. | sergiocampama (Sergio Campamá) |
2029 | |
79. | boris (Boris Quiroz) |
2015 | |
80. | alambike (Javier Gómez Rodríguez) |
2006 | |
81. | dasolari (Diego Solari) |
1987 | |
82. | krapes (Kerri Rapes) |
1982 | |
83. | lmunozm1702 (Luis Muñoz) |
1978 | |
84. | sasalatart (Sebastián Salata R-T) |
1947 | |
85. | mosoriob (Maximiliano Osorio) |
1929 | |
86. | itsalb3rt (Albert E. Hidalgo Taveras) |
1928 | |
87. | fdoflorenzano (Fernando Alberto Florenzano Hernández) |
1923 | |
88. | AngheloAlf (Anghelo Carvajal) |
1908 | |
89. | jeserodz (Jese Rodriguez) |
1902 | |
90. | vicentematus (Vicente Matus) |
1851 | |
91. | leitel98 (Lucas Eitel Cereceda) |
1846 | |
92. | ehernandezvilla (Eduardo Hernández Villa) |
1846 | |
93. | rolitoxdd (rolito) |
1843 | |
94. | rubentd (Ruben Torres) |
1841 | |
95. | stgogm (Santiago G. Marín) |
1838 | |
96. | CxrlosKenobi (Carlos) |
1828 | |
97. | raztor (Benjamín Muñoz) |
1828 | |
98. | wandry11 (Wandry Martinez) |
1781 | |
99. | Vokturz (Víctor Navarro Aránguiz) |
1763 | |
100. | david-lafontant (David Lafontant) |
1741 | |
101. | AlexMartSch (AlexMart) |
1726 | |
102. | Jpuelpan (Juan Puelpan) |
1714 | |
103. | cmesiasd (Cristóbal Mesías) |
1713 | |
104. | zeluizr (Jose Luiz Rodrigues) |
1704 | |
105. | yeikobu (Jacob Aguilar) |
1702 | |
106. | deivinsontejeda (Deivinson Tejeda) |
1688 | |
107. | juanbarrios (Juan Manuel Barrios) |
1663 | |
108. | naquiroz (Nicolás Quiroz) |
1658 | |
109. | cococov (Juan Carlos Lamas) |
1646 | |
110. | gilbertsahumada (Gilberts Ahumada) |
1644 | |
111. | odracirdev (Ricardo Cuauro) |
1633 | |
112. | MatiasMontagna (Matías Montagna Carbonell ) |
1633 | |
113. | rodyherrera (Rodolfo Herrera Hernandez) |
1630 | |
114. | ViktorJJF (Victor Juan Jimenez Flores) |
1621 | |
115. | ankaph (Álvaro Tobar) |
1610 | |
116. | BGMP (José Benavente) |
1608 | |
117. | vjaguilera (Vicente Aguilera) |
1603 | |
118. | JajoScript (Javier Almarza) |
1598 | |
119. | GerMoren (Ger Moren) |
1595 | |
120. | fguinez (Francisco Guíñez) |
1591 | |
121. | arpincheira (Andrés Pincheira) |
1589 | |
122. | tomasriverah (Tomás Rivera) |
1577 | |
123. | ElWazy (Santiago Fierro) |
1530 | |
124. | barbaraim (Barbara Irarrazaval) |
1524 | |
125. | gnapse (Ernesto García) |
1521 | |
126. | jorgejarai (Jorge Jara) |
1518 | |
127. | hspencer (Herbert Spencer González) |
1514 | |
128. | michelson (Miguel Michelson Martinez) |
1489 | |
129. | tyronejosee (Tyrone José) |
1482 | |
130. | sanguineti (Franco Sanguineti) |
1467 | |
131. | figonzal1 (Felipe González Alarcón) |
1463 | |
132. | sebaiturravaldes (Sebastián Iturra) |
1439 | |
133. | gpuente (Guillermo Puente Sandoval) |
1424 | |
134. | Victorsitou (Victor) |
1422 | |
135. | terabytesoftw (Wilmer Arambula) |
1412 | |
136. | manuelurenah (Manuel Emilio Urena) |
1407 | |
137. | rarce (Roberto Arce) |
1406 | |
138. | smanriquez96 (Sebastian Manriquez) |
1405 | |
139. | JohnBidwellB (John Bidwell Boitano) |
1399 | |
140. | joaofmds (João Souza) |
1388 | |
141. | barguti () |
1382 | |
142. | MiguelAngelRamos (Miguel Ramos) |
1370 | |
143. | slara (Sebastian Lara Menares) |
1362 | |
144. | nacosta-cl (Nicolás Acosta) |
1359 | |
145. | TesslaRay (Cristian Valdivia) |
1349 | |
146. | rodrigovilina (Rodrigo Vilina) |
1342 | |
147. | rpmunoz (Roberto Muñoz) |
1338 | |
148. | npcastro (Nicolás Castro Leal) |
1333 | |
149. | bastianolea (Bastián Olea Herera) |
1329 | |
150. | ttapia (Tomás Tapia Velásquez) |
1327 | |
151. | Gaonuk (Rodrigo Gaona) |
1324 | |
152. | joaquinnunez (Joaquín Núñez) |
1323 | |
153. | sebastian-aranda (Sebastian Aranda Sanchez) |
1314 | |
154. | v4rgas (Juan Vargas) |
1313 | |
155. | mafuenzalida (Martin Fuenzalida) |
1304 | |
156. | lewandy (Lewandy Dilone) |
1298 | |
157. | aroldolanderos (Aroldo Landeros) |
1294 | |
158. | cnavarreteliz (Carlos Navarrete) |
1292 | |
159. | fabaindaiz (Fabián Díaz) |
1291 | |
160. | aamatte (Andrés Matte) |
1282 | |
161. | Proskynete (Eduardo Esteban Álvarez Castañeda) |
1280 | |
162. | igbasly (Ian Basly) |
1277 | |
163. | delta575 (Felipe Aranguiz) |
1273 | |
164. | davidlealo (David Leal) |
1264 | |
165. | NicolasRomeroF (Nicolas Romero) |
1249 | |
166. | crowl (Pablo Heredia) |
1249 | |
167. | fcatrin (Franco Catrin) |
1245 | |
168. | CoffeSiberian (Fernando Garrido) |
1242 | |
169. | Y4rd13 (Benny Serra) |
1238 | |
170. | Lostovayne (Deus lo Vult) |
1236 | |
171. | iaacosta (Ignacio Acosta) |
1231 | |
172. | CleoMenezesJr (Cleo Menezes Jr.) |
1211 | |
173. | jsanbae (Javier Sánchez Baeza) |
1206 | |
174. | Keviinplz (Kevin Pinochet) |
1196 | |
175. | aastroza (Alonso Astroza Tagle) |
1178 | |
176. | gbaldera (Gustavo Rodriguez Baldera) |
1175 | |
177. | xsamynox (Samantha Moreno) |
1168 | |
178. | fierroformo (Alejandro Betancourt) |
1167 | |
179. | codingedgar (Edgar Rodriguez) |
1166 | |
180. | muZk (Nicolás Gómez) |
1166 | |
181. | auirarrazaval (Alfonso Irarrázaval) |
1166 | |
182. | mavillan (Martín Villanueva) |
1164 | |
183. | ngutierrezp (Nicolás Gutiérrez) |
1161 | |
184. | rafafdz (Rafael Fernández) |
1157 | |
185. | aldochaconc (Aldo Chacón) |
1154 | |
186. | FacTronica (Factronica ERP) |
1153 | |
187. | luismontanaresm (Luis Sebastián Montanares Mundaca) |
1149 | |
188. | edvalenzuela (Eduardo Valenzuela) |
1133 | |
189. | vcanales (Vicente Canales) |
1128 | |
190. | pmirandaa (Pablo Miranda) |
1127 | |
191. | DCajiao (David Alejandro Cajiao Lazt) |
1124 | |
192. | cavb (Cristián Vargas Busquets) |
1122 | |
193. | fenriz07 (Servio Zambrano) |
1119 | |
194. | shimapi (Shirley Mallea) |
1118 | |
195. | longemen3000 (Andrés Riedemann) |
1116 | |
196. | gepd (gepd) |
1115 | |
197. | Lmendev (Luis Mendoza) |
1115 | |
198. | CristhGunners (Cristhofer Andana Alcaino) |
1108 | |
199. | luc-mo (Luciano Morales) |
1108 | |
200. | Sergioeabarcaf (Sergio Enrique Abarca Flores) |
1105 | |
201. | marcelog (Marcelo Gornstein) |
1103 | |
202. | JoseGermanx (Jose Germán Martínez) |
1099 | |
203. | jpgelmi (Juan Pablo Gelmi) |
1094 | |
204. | jfuentes (Joel Fuentes) |
1092 | |
205. | tangzero (Jairinho) |
1090 | |
206. | MarcoNaik (kueks) |
1081 | |
207. | Uner4s (Nicolás Fernando) |
1080 | |
208. | raerpo (Rafael E. Poveda) |
1077 | |
209. | ierceg (Ivan Erceg) |
1072 | |
210. | Not-Minimal (Saul Muñoz) |
1071 | |
211. | jarriagadac (Juan Arriagada) |
1067 | |
212. | JorgeRiveraMancilla (Jorge Ignacio Rivera Mancilla) |
1065 | |
213. | Bastianleaf (Bastián Martínez) |
1060 | |
214. | LuisMejiasR (Luis Mejías) |
1051 | |
215. | gugat (Gustavo Salazar) |
1049 | |
216. | cffiebigc (Carlos Fiebig) |
1038 | |
217. | Nyveon (Eric K.) |
1033 | |
218. | vinavfx (Francisco Contreras) |
1028 | |
219. | camiloarce (Camilo Arce) |
1021 | |
220. | IgnacioPalma (Ignacio Palma) |
1015 | |
221. | ValentinaGonzalezF (Valentina Gonzalez F) |
1013 | |
222. | ljavierrodriguez (Luis J. Rodriguez O.) |
1010 | |
223. | endlessloop2 (Mateo L.) |
1009 | |
224. | hectrhcc (Hector Contreras) |
1006 | |
225. | joaonunez (Joao Nuñez) |
1005 | |
226. | rgcl (Rodrigo González Castillo) |
999 | |
227. | WilldiazRaM (🇨🇱 ) |
995 | |
228. | DarioRoman01 (Dario Roman) |
982 | |
229. | gmq (Guillermo Moreno) |
981 | |
230. | hpaez (Hugo Páez) |
981 | |
231. | jiaranda (Javier Aranda) |
978 | |
232. | rjherrera (Raimundo Herrera) |
974 | |
233. | raulmt (Raúl Montes) |
967 | |
234. | VicDario (Víctor Fernández) |
954 | |
235. | fsandov (Francisco Sandoval) |
951 | |
236. | ClaudiaRojasSoto (Claudia P. R. Soto) |
950 | |
237. | MartinEBravo (Martín Bravo) |
949 | |
238. | elevyg (Eyal Levy) |
943 | |
239. | pnxu (Francisca Vega) |
935 | |
240. | benjavicente (Benjamín Vicente) |
931 | |
241. | felipefunes (FelipeFunes) |
927 | |
242. | Mnfriedl (Maximiliano Friedl) |
917 | |
243. | EstebanFuentealba (Esteban Fuentealba) |
916 | |
244. | wainola (Nicolás) |
916 | |
245. | qandrew (Andrew Xia) |
916 | |
246. | JoseFredes (José Fredes) |
912 | |
247. | codeinearts (Ian Sebastian) |
910 | |
248. | patriciojofre (Pato Jofre) |
907 | |
249. | dialvarezs (Diego Alvarez S.) |
904 | |
250. | lopezjurip (Patricio López Juri) |
903 | |
251. | corderodev (Daniel Cordero) |
889 | |
252. | ez2torta (Paulo Sandoval) |
885 | |
253. | ngeorger (Nicolás Georger) |
881 | |
254. | felipejoq (Felipe) |
875 | |
255. | maxfindel (Max F. Findel) |
872 | |
256. | jgmontoya (Javier G. Montoya S.) |
871 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | open-source-uc | 8 |
2. | toku-ia | 6 |
3. | platanus | 3 |
4. | examedi | 3 |
5. | bcilabs | 3 |
6. | bukhr | 3 |
7. | vuedominicana | 2 |
8. | mercadolibre | 2 |
9. | gokapso | 2 |
10. | mok-labs | 2 |