A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Ecuador over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-01-14 11:42:32 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Ecuador')
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 11310 total users in the region and you need at least 6 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![eplus.dev badge](https://user-badge.eplus.dev/ecuador/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.eplus.dev/ecuador/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![eplus.dev badge](https://org-badge.eplus.dev/ecuador/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.eplus.dev/ecuador/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | GataNina-Li (Gata Dios ) |
5667 | |
2. | Charlytoc (Charly Chacón) |
3173 | |
3. | BryanCachimuel (Bryan_Cachimuel) |
2124 | |
4. | educaysoft (Stalin Francis Quinde) |
1453 | |
5. | eythaann (Eythan David) |
1319 | |
6. | rowanseymour (Rowan Seymour) |
1263 | |
7. | danifromecuador (Dani Morillo) |
1260 | |
8. | estellederrien (Estelle Derrien) |
1138 | |
9. | Anyel-ec (Angel Patiño) |
1084 | |
10. | brauliorivas (Braulio Rivas Abad) |
1034 | |
11. | TheLeoP (Luis Calle) |
991 | |
12. | wbandabarragan (Wladimir Eduardo Banda Barragán) |
919 | |
13. | Mariq12 (Flor María Labanda Puchaicela) |
867 | |
14. | dsanchezp18 (Daniel Sánchez Pazmiño) |
848 | |
15. | wachin (Washington Indacochea Delgado) |
808 | |
16. | LChumi (LChumi) |
744 | |
17. | mikehardy (Mike Hardy) |
710 | |
18. | statick88 (Diego Saavedra) |
706 | |
19. | Leninner (Lenin Mazabanda) |
706 | |
20. | danielaltamirano1993 (danielaltamiranoborja) |
691 | |
21. | jpcadena (Juan Pablo Cadena Aguilar) |
677 | |
22. | Estete9 (Esteban Palacios) |
654 | |
23. | yeyodev1 (Diego Reyes) |
645 | |
24. | JhonZ-Dev (Jhon Zambrano Macias) |
608 | |
25. | Savecoders (Pablo Pincay Alvarez) |
593 | |
26. | AlexVelezLl (Alex Velez) |
583 | |
27. | moonstar-x (Christian López) |
557 | |
28. | elkuku (Nikolai Plath) |
530 | |
29. | robertomaldonado (Roberto Maldonado) |
519 | |
30. | sauljabin (Saúl Piña) |
517 | |
31. | cromewar (Vasiliy Gualoto) |
508 | |
32. | jpablopachar (Juan Pablo Pachar Viñan) |
508 | |
33. | andres-merino (Andrés Merino) |
497 | |
34. | velascoandres (Andrés Velasco) |
494 | |
35. | sestrella (Sebastián Estrella) |
460 | |
36. | williamrolando88 (William Morales) |
460 | |
37. | Isnotcristhianr (Cristhian David Recalde) |
456 | |
38. | jorgeandrespadilla (Jorge Andrés Padilla) |
451 | |
39. | stsewd (Santos Gallegos) |
432 | |
40. | JerickTwO (Jerick Toro) |
417 | |
41. | franclobo (Francisco Borja Lobato) |
386 | |
42. | ripderek (Raul Coello) |
380 | |
43. | enmanuelmag (Enmanuel Magallanes Pinargote) |
380 | |
44. | WashingtonYandun (Washington Yandun) |
378 | |
45. | RobertoPatino1 (Roberto Patiño) |
368 | |
46. | vfred0 (Víctor Arreaga) |
356 | |
47. | Wason1797 (Wladymir Brborich) |
316 | |
48. | HansOr04 (Hans Ortiz) |
314 | |
49. | aloussase (Alexander Goussas) |
313 | |
50. | Alejoss (Alejandro Veintimilla) |
313 | |
51. | jonato96 (Jonathan Jesús Sánchez Lucas) |
309 | |
52. | jfpanchi (Jefferson Panchi) |
301 | |
53. | daniel0ar (Daniel Arroyo (danielarroyo.eth)) |
300 | |
54. | Lemito66 (Emill Logroño) |
297 | |
55. | Devsebastian44 () |
296 | |
56. | santiyounger (Santi) |
295 | |
57. | Bach16 (Ismael Rojas) |
289 | |
58. | GianniCarlo (Gianni Carlo) |
285 | |
59. | ChrisJRM92 (Christian R) |
285 | |
60. | lobosan (Santiago Galindo) |
280 | |
61. | jeanmayorga (Jean Paul Mayorga) |
280 | |
62. | santteegt (Santiago Gonzalez Toral) |
273 | |
63. | lmiguelvargasf (M) |
267 | |
64. | Cristhianbh98 (Cristhian Bacusoy) |
266 | |
65. | baguilar6174 (Bryan Aguilar) |
265 | |
66. | bryandelgado99 (Bryan Paul Delgado) |
263 | |
67. | JosephYM07 (Joseph YM) |
261 | |
68. | MarcosKlender (Klender Carrasco) |
253 | |
69. | alexanderommel (Rommel Valdiviezo) |
251 | |
70. | ZosoV (Oscar Guarnizo) |
250 | |
71. | IvanM9 (Iván Manzaba) |
250 | |
72. | DAVIDS2405 (David Basantes) |
249 | |
73. | KevinCndor (Kevin Cóndor) |
248 | |
74. | RicharC293 (Richar Cangui) |
247 | |
75. | GoranTopic (Goran Topic) |
242 | |
76. | MarcoDes2616 (Marco Cardenas) |
242 | |
77. | alexansaa (Kleber Alexander Saavedra Garcia) |
241 | |
78. | rickypcyt (Ricky) |
240 | |
79. | Eddycrack864 (Eddycrack 864) |
239 | |
80. | alejandrotoledoweb (Alejandro Toledo) |
234 | |
81. | IngDavidTM (David A. Tamayo) |
229 | |
82. | monster555 (Daniel Coyula) |
225 | |
83. | Bryan-Herrera-DEV (Bryan Herrera ~ ርᚱ1ናተᛰ ᚻህᚥተპᚱ) |
224 | |
84. | ericklasluisa (Erick Lasluisa) |
221 | |
85. | midrovo (Mauricio Idrovo Macias) |
219 | |
86. | codediaz (Sergio Díaz) |
218 | |
87. | xeland314 (Christopher Villamarín) |
212 | |
88. | epriosf (Erick Ríos) |
212 | |
89. | martin-men (Martín Mendieta ) |
211 | |
90. | JoseLion (Jose Luis Leon) |
208 | |
91. | ACR1209 (Andrés Alejandro Coronel Rodrigues) |
202 | |
92. | ElPitagoras14 (Jonathan García) |
201 | |
93. | wayared (wayared) |
197 | |
94. | RobertoArmas (Roberto Armas) |
196 | |
95. | JoelPulla (Joel Pulla) |
190 | |
96. | Santiago220991 (Alexander Santiago Cárdenas) |
188 | |
97. | CarlosTwT (I'am Carlos ) |
186 | |
98. | JacoJean07 (Jaco Jean) |
184 | |
99. | aluissp (Luis Perugachi) |
184 | |
100. | Joel-x-x (Joel Acosta) |
182 | |
101. | Darwinpz (Darwinpz) |
182 | |
102. | juandtap (Diego Tapia) |
180 | |
103. | Imanolasolo (Imanol Asolo) |
178 | |
104. | kbrandon19 (Kenneth Brandon) |
176 | |
105. | edgarguitarist (Edgar Laz) |
173 | |
106. | AlenSaavedra (Alen Saavedra) |
169 | |
107. | se0klie (hailie) |
169 | |
108. | mpcevallos (María Paula Cevallos) |
166 | |
109. | TWulfZ (TWulfZ) |
164 | |
110. | iamleigh (Leighton Quito) |
163 | |
111. | jreyesr () |
163 | |
112. | ChristianRTD () |
163 | |
113. | diego40g (Diego Ignacio Paz Naula) |
161 | |
114. | jossuema (Josue Malla) |
159 | |
115. | vmoprojs (vmoraleso) |
157 | |
116. | luis-i-reyes-castro (Luis I. Reyes-Castro) |
153 | |
117. | protocolwhisper (protocolwhisper.eth) |
152 | |
118. | lriofrio915 (luisRiofrio) |
152 | |
119. | Darkjasmany (Jasmany Franco) |
152 | |
120. | dunapanta (Daniel Unapanta) |
151 | |
121. | Graeme22 (Graeme Holliday) |
151 | |
122. | justcoddev (Edison Cruz) |
149 | |
123. | alvaroarmijos (Alvaro Armijos) |
149 | |
124. | steevened (Steve) |
147 | |
125. | CesarAugusto316 (cesaraugusto316) |
147 | |
126. | sebassaras02 (Sebastian Sarasti) |
144 | |
127. | adrianeguez (Adrian Eguez) |
143 | |
128. | ALPullaguariSW (Axel Lenin Pullaguari Cedeño) |
142 | |
129. | joselo (Jose Carrion) |
141 | |
130. | aPonce2001 (Andrés Ponce) |
139 | |
131. | velfin13 (Velfin Velasquez) |
139 | |
132. | DallasBelt (Diego Lascano) |
139 | |
133. | tcom009 (Gerson Mayer) |
138 | |
134. | 123-code (Jose Ignacio Naranjo) |
137 | |
135. | pedrodcsjostrom (Peter) |
135 | |
136. | WilsonG08 (Willson Guayanay) |
134 | |
137. | Esleiter (Esleiter) |
133 | |
138. | NicoSerranoP (Nico Serrano) |
132 | |
139. | cristofima (Cristopher Coronado) |
130 | |
140. | br-programmer (Brayan Cantos) |
129 | |
141. | smunoz1988 (SantiagoM) |
128 | |
142. | GbrielGarcia (Alberto Gabriel Guaman Garcia) |
128 | |
143. | Alkhioz (Ale Mendoza) |
127 | |
144. | stacklast (Edwin Benalcázar E.) |
127 | |
145. | GAumala (Gabriel Aumala) |
127 | |
146. | victand98 (Víctor Andrés Rojas) |
124 | |
147. | rparias (Ronald Arias) |
124 | |
148. | erickfy (Erick Andrade) |
123 | |
149. | Vinici0 (Vinicio Borja) |
121 | |
150. | codernarvaez (Cristian Ramiro Narváez.) |
121 | |
151. | SebastianJimenez2 (Sebastian) |
121 | |
152. | Marco-Gonzalez26 (Marco Gonzalez) |
121 | |
153. | Litardo-Jardy (@Jardy) |
120 | |
154. | Al3xMR (Kevin Martinez) |
119 | |
155. | j-tap (Igor) |
119 | |
156. | cxcarvaj (Carlos Carvajal) |
119 | |
157. | crixodia (Cristian Bastidas) |
117 | |
158. | jsonfm (Jason Francisco Macas Mora) |
117 | |
159. | CondorCoders (Condor Coders) |
117 | |
160. | saulfabregwiivc (saulfabreg Wii VC Project) |
115 | |
161. | asvalverde01 (Alberto Valverde) |
113 | |
162. | bayasdev (Victor Bayas) |
113 | |
163. | ennerperez (Enner Pérez) |
113 | |
164. | CarlosJChileS (Carlos Chile) |
112 | |
165. | Mcarrobof24 (Camila Arrobo) |
111 | |
166. | yigsvnsla (Jesús Guzmán) |
111 | |
167. | aReinoso007 (Alex Reinoso) |
110 | |
168. | ztjona (Jonathan Zea) |
109 | |
169. | JnBenites (Juan B) |
108 | |
170. | joseandresgavilanes (smiley_12_2) |
106 | |
171. | maguaman2 (Marco Guamán Buestán) |
105 | |
172. | DanielTuttos (Daniel Romero AG) |
105 | |
173. | restevesd (Roberto Esteves) |
105 | |
174. | tomaspozo (Tomas Pozo) |
104 | |
175. | lfsanche (Leonardo Sanchez-Aragon) |
103 | |
176. | Dev-CoreX (DevCoreX) |
103 | |
177. | andresguanov (Andrés Guano) |
103 | |
178. | rpalaciosg (Richard Palacios G.) |
102 | |
179. | ChaeMendoza (Israel Mendoza) |
102 | |
180. | davidPardoC (David Pardo) |
101 | |
181. | Sammy593 (Samuel LM) |
100 | |
182. | paulosk8 (Paulo Galarza) |
100 | |
183. | wgcv (W. Gustavo Cevallos) |
99 | |
184. | JuanFCVal (Juan Francisco Cevallos Valdivieso) |
99 | |
185. | FranzFlores (Franz Andrés Flores) |
99 | |
186. | MelissaAyllon (Melissa Ayllon) |
97 | |
187. | pintoderian (Derian Pinto) |
97 | |
188. | Alexr16 (Jorge Alexander Rios) |
97 | |
189. | LuisReinoso (Luis Reinoso) |
96 | |
190. | jfcamacho (Jefferson Camacho) |
95 | |
191. | JosthinAyonC (Josthin Ayón) |
95 | |
192. | KevinhoMorales (Kevin Morales) |
94 | |
193. | theerudito (Erudito) |
93 | |
194. | franperezec (Francisco Pérez Mogollón) |
92 | |
195. | vasanza (vasanza) |
91 | |
196. | TaurusOmar (Omar Salazar) |
89 | |
197. | matardy (Gutemberg S. Mendoza) |
89 | |
198. | jssanchez03 (Jair Sánchez) |
89 | |
199. | Danii2020 (Daniel Erazo) |
88 | |
200. | profechrisjara (Christopher Jara) |
88 | |
201. | jameswilson (James Wilson) |
88 | |
202. | Miguel-EMC (Eduardo Miguel Muzo Cansigña) |
88 | |
203. | franmc01 (Francisco Marín) |
87 | |
204. | PavoX20 (Pablo Sarzosa) |
86 | |
205. | mijailr (Mijaíl Rondón) |
86 | |
206. | rmcpantoja (Mateo Cedillo) |
86 | |
207. | DiegoMero (Diego Mero) |
84 | |
208. | CristhianMotoche (Cristhian Motoche) |
84 | |
209. | fzzio (Fabricio Orrala) |
83 | |
210. | dinessa-ga (Diana) |
83 | |
211. | Christoper22rm (Christoper) |
83 | |
212. | insoutt (Elvis Fernando) |
81 | |
213. | Bernix01 (Guillermo Enrique Bernal Moreira) |
81 | |
214. | Gokruzk (Nigell Marcel Jama Oyarvide) |
80 | |
215. | joseDG (JoseDG) |
80 | |
216. | FreddyEcu-Ch (Freddy Carrión) |
79 | |
217. | patrick-mathay (Patrick Mathay) |
79 | |
218. | RickC1218 (Rick_C1218) |
77 | |
219. | pirc25 (Richard Burneo) |
76 | |
220. | balechon (Bryan Alexis Lechon) |
76 | |
221. | rierarizzo (Keneth Riera) |
75 | |
222. | 0xSoul24 (0xSoul) |
75 | |
223. | RVelez97 (Ronald Vélez) |
75 | |
224. | DiFernando11 (Diego Apolo) |
75 | |
225. | JohaoDev (Johao Perlaza) |
75 | |
226. | leone2016 (Leonardo Medina) |
74 | |
227. | warpr (Kuno Woudt) |
74 | |
228. | jorge-luis-dev (Jorge Luis) |
73 | |
229. | TheMesias (Francisco Mesias ) |
73 | |
230. | rojasTob (Angie Rojas) |
72 | |
231. | zackfall (Isaac Zamora) |
72 | |
232. | BarbDMC (Barbara Morantes) |
71 | |
233. | bryancalisto (Bryan Calisto) |
70 | |
234. | Ksantacr (Kevin Santacruz) |
70 | |
235. | capicarbone (Capi) |
70 | |
236. | Zezenta (José Miguel) |
69 | |
237. | sanieni6 (Luis Sanchez) |
69 | |
238. | christophfink (Christoph Fink) |
68 | |
239. | luilliarcec (Luis Arce) |
67 | |
240. | JorgeRivadeneira (Jorge Rivadeneira Cevallos) |
67 | |
241. | ImEcuadorian (Hugo Mauricio Saldarriaga Morales) |
66 | |
242. | chjuca (Carlos Juca) |
66 | |
243. | Afkerian (Alejandro Moya) |
64 | |
244. | yayoamigo (David Zambrano Corral) |
64 | |
245. | lleroc (Lleroc) |
62 | |
246. | Byrontosh (BYRON LOARTE) |
62 | |
247. | Josluistanic (José Luis Tanicuchí Cadena) |
61 | |
248. | Boxvi (Boris Quizhpe) |
61 | |
249. | SebasAB (Sebastián Aliaga) |
61 | |
250. | NathaliaBarreiros (Nathalia Barreiros) |
60 | |
251. | JloorDev (JloorDev) |
60 | |
252. | santgeek (Santiago Montoya) |
60 | |
253. | hramses1 () |
59 | |
254. | FreddieAbad (Freddy Abad) |
58 | |
255. | CroodcekDeep (Ginno Taimal) |
57 | |
256. | khebinMant (Kevin Mantilla G) |
57 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | stackbuilders | 4 |
2. | javascriptecuador | 2 |
3. | cyber-dev-matrix | 2 |
4. | light-loops | 1 |
5. | 4tunaio | 1 |
6. | quira-ia-security | 1 |
7. | dotnet-ecuador | 1 |
8. | indrod-group | 1 |
9. | ankidroid | 1 |
10. | el-bid | 1 |