A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Peru over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-01-13 13:46:08 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Peru')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 22068 total users in the region and you need at least 15 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![eplus.dev badge](https://user-badge.eplus.dev/peru_private/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.eplus.dev/peru_private/USERNAME)
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
[![eplus.dev badge](https://org-badge.eplus.dev/peru_private/ORGNAME.svg)](https://org-badge.eplus.dev/peru_private/ORGNAME)
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | ikcam (Irving Kcam) |
6728 | |
2. | A-PachecoT (André Pacheco) |
6368 | |
3. | pablodz (Pablo) |
5143 | |
4. | jhonatanmacazana (Jhonatan Macazana) |
4693 | |
5. | faustoct1 (Fausto Torres) |
3809 | |
6. | luismayta (Lucho Mayta) |
3771 | |
7. | Grazen0 (José Daniel Grayson) |
3762 | |
8. | xzitlou (Lou Alcalá) |
3702 | |
9. | marcelo-earth (Marcelo Arias) |
3672 | |
10. | dilverdev (dilver.dev) |
3338 | |
11. | Gonzalogdlr (Gonzalo Gianmarco Gutiérrez de la Rosa) |
3310 | |
12. | gustavocadev (Gustavo C. A.) |
3277 | |
13. | arturopstem (arturop) |
2855 | |
14. | sagoyanfisic (Yancel Moises) |
2836 | |
15. | KhanMaytok (KhalO) |
2800 | |
16. | juliosguz (Julio Silva) |
2791 | |
17. | JorgePasco1 (Jorge Pasco) |
2753 | |
18. | nestorlls (Paul) |
2595 | |
19. | taldr27 (Diego Garcia) |
2578 | |
20. | Videmor (Jorge Crisóstomo) |
2473 | |
21. | danieljfar (Daniel Faria) |
2384 | |
22. | jsalinasvela (Jesus Salinas Vela) |
2354 | |
23. | gcavanunez (Guillermo Antony Cava Nuñez) |
2347 | |
24. | edutrul (Eduardo Telaya) |
2344 | |
25. | jflavio11 (Jose Flavio Quispe Irrazábal) |
2339 | |
26. | odutradev (João Dutra) |
2328 | |
27. | cristianbgp (Cristian Granda) |
2313 | |
28. | dbritto-dev (Danilo Britto) |
2303 | |
29. | marsam (Mario Rodas) |
2293 | |
30. | mateusfreira (Mateus Freira dos Santos) |
2063 | |
31. | Enryuk3 (Cristopher Guzmán) |
2028 | |
32. | Jibaru (Ignacior) |
2012 | |
33. | aleiva17 (Andrés Leiva) |
1973 | |
34. | latinojoel (Joel Latino) |
1951 | |
35. | jmontes50 (Jorge Osmar Montesinos Aramayo) |
1942 | |
36. | soloidx (Ider Delzo) |
1926 | |
37. | julionav (Julio Navarro) |
1922 | |
38. | sergiodxa (Sergio Xalambrí) |
1922 | |
39. | DeluxeAlonso (Alonso Alvarez) |
1891 | |
40. | avelasquezn (Angel Velasquez) |
1875 | |
41. | InsiderAnh (InsiderAnh) |
1864 | |
42. | oscaramos (Oscar Ramos) |
1843 | |
43. | DinaRocio (Dina Rocio ) |
1810 | |
44. | jh0rman (Jhorman) |
1807 | |
45. | hpneo (Gustavo Leon) |
1798 | |
46. | SegundoRP (Segundo Rebaza) |
1791 | |
47. | calderonsamuel (Samuel Calderon) |
1788 | |
48. | giampieer (Giampieer Mariscal) |
1746 | |
49. | ghondar (Anthony Bryan Gavilan Vinces) |
1690 | |
50. | DEV-AusA (Cesar Ausa) |
1675 | |
51. | willywg (William Wong Garay) |
1659 | |
52. | eddumelendez (Eddú Meléndez Gonzales) |
1623 | |
53. | tavolafourcade (Octavio Lafourcade) |
1620 | |
54. | chrisllontop (Christian Llontop) |
1608 | |
55. | romelgomez (Romel Gomez) |
1566 | |
56. | wizardrevenge (Royer Rutti Ramos) |
1545 | |
57. | bilthon (Bilthon) |
1516 | |
58. | renato145 (Renato Hermoza Aragonés) |
1504 | |
59. | Kevincarlosqa (Kevin Quispe Aquise) |
1489 | |
60. | csalcedo001 (César Salcedo) |
1471 | |
61. | kusillus (Alexander Guevara Benites) |
1464 | |
62. | carlosal1015 (Oromion) |
1449 | |
63. | puentesarrin (Jorge Puente-Sarrín) |
1425 | |
64. | devedux (Cristhian Laurente) |
1424 | |
65. | AnthonyLzq (Anthony Luzquiños) |
1404 | |
66. | DavidCastilloAlvarado (David Castillo) |
1402 | |
67. | annaabsi (Anna Absi) |
1401 | |
68. | joelibaceta (Joel Ibaceta) |
1369 | |
69. | kucho (Victor Rodriguez) |
1361 | |
70. | hsztan (Henry Nawrocki Sztanski) |
1360 | |
71. | rmfranciacastillo (Renato Francia Castillo) |
1359 | |
72. | paula113 (Paula Paredes) |
1357 | |
73. | Aireck2 (Erick Escriba Arango) |
1345 | |
74. | Benjacho (Benjamin Flores Copa) |
1316 | |
75. | yunica (Junior Flores) |
1311 | |
76. | xavimondev (Xavier Alfaro) |
1300 | |
77. | DavidMarioLC (DavidMarioLC) |
1266 | |
78. | valec3 (Victor Maye) |
1264 | |
79. | devaige (Aige) |
1229 | |
80. | rcaos (Jeans Ruiz) |
1218 | |
81. | abengl (Alessandra Godoy) |
1202 | |
82. | maxsolfar (Máximo Solis Farfan) |
1191 | |
83. | santos88 (Santos Ramon) |
1189 | |
84. | Kamaqen (Jorge Martín Capcha) |
1179 | |
85. | luisBazanDev (Luis Bazán) |
1178 | |
86. | PedroMolina17 (Pedro Molina Noa) |
1143 | |
87. | jjdelc (Jj) |
1119 | |
88. | AngelFQC (Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos) |
1116 | |
89. | Enriquefft (enrique flores) |
1111 | |
90. | CatRivas (Catherine Rivas) |
1101 | |
91. | cdavilarios (Claudia G. Davila Rios) |
1067 | |
92. | yummta (Paul Portillo) |
1065 | |
93. | sotopro (Daniel Soto) |
1062 | |
94. | grossir (Rossi) |
1054 | |
95. | jadx2 (Jaim Delmar) |
1047 | |
96. | RaulArmasBenavides (Raúl Armas Benavides ) |
1043 | |
97. | AbelTarazona (Abel Tarazona) |
1040 | |
98. | OVarLaz (Olenka Vargas Lazarte) |
1037 | |
99. | Ryzeon (Alex Avila) |
1035 | |
100. | ynoacamino (Yenaro Joel Noa Camino) |
1031 | |
101. | nopitown (Elizabeth Manrique) |
1020 | |
102. | alainm23 (Alain) |
1015 | |
103. | KatashiFukushima (Katashi Fukushima ) |
1009 | |
104. | JulianB0315 (Julian Burga Bracamonte) |
1002 | |
105. | LordMathi2741 (Mathias Alejandro Jave Diaz) |
988 | |
106. | heblopez (Heberth López) |
979 | |
107. | jan-moxter (Jan Moxter) |
973 | |
108. | kennyhorna (Kenny Horna) |
941 | |
109. | linder3hs (Linder Hassinger) |
940 | |
110. | ddumst (Diego Becerra) |
934 | |
111. | jorgejacinto9701 (jorge jacinto gutarra) |
928 | |
112. | natalyrojas5 (Nataly Rojas) |
928 | |
113. | abrahamayquipa (abrancitouu) |
928 | |
114. | JhonatanDczel (Jhonatan David Arias) |
912 | |
115. | mrverdant13 (Karlo Verde) |
911 | |
116. | smavodev (Sergio Villagomez Ortega) |
906 | |
117. | echovl (Alonso Villegas) |
896 | |
118. | DiegoDefSan (Diego Defilippi) |
892 | |
119. | joedayz (José Díaz) |
884 | |
120. | paulrrdiaz (Paúl Díaz Navarrete) |
880 | |
121. | jamesnoria (James Noria) |
866 | |
122. | akobashikawa (Antonio Kobashikawa) |
865 | |
123. | jorgektch (Jorge Jesús) |
863 | |
124. | ByeBye-Sama (Joaquin Concha) |
863 | |
125. | CristianLlanos (Cristian Llanos) |
857 | |
126. | ChrisChV (Chris Chávez) |
846 | |
127. | rtelenta (Renzo Telenta) |
842 | |
128. | yusshu (Andre Roldan) |
839 | |
129. | emmanuelbarturen (Emmanuel Barturen) |
837 | |
130. | victormc13 (Victor MC) |
826 | |
131. | RogerHuauya (Roger Huauya Mamani) |
802 | |
132. | nelson6e65 (Nelson Martell) |
795 | |
133. | alessandro54 (Alessandro) |
795 | |
134. | victorlunam (Victor Luna) |
794 | |
135. | aalin (Andreas Alin) |
791 | |
136. | ambarja (Antony Barja ) |
790 | |
137. | Xpktro (Moisés Cachay Tello) |
788 | |
138. | gianbdev (Giancarlo Silva) |
785 | |
139. | MAGALLANESJoseManuel (Jose Manuel MAGALLANES) |
780 | |
140. | ivandevp (Ivan Medina) |
759 | |
141. | juancondorijara (Juan Gabriel Condori Jara) |
758 | |
142. | franciscovilchezv (Francisco Vilchez) |
748 | |
143. | kevinPerezGarcia (Kevin (Kevo) Perez Garcia) |
745 | |
144. | eperedo (Eduardo Peredo Rivero) |
738 | |
145. | characat0 (Marco Vela) |
738 | |
146. | ErickChacon (Dr. Erick A. Chacón Montalván) |
735 | |
147. | ManuelLoaizaV (Manuel Loaiza Vasquez) |
734 | |
148. | sebastianterleira (Sebastian Terleira) |
728 | |
149. | JairFrancesco (Jair Francesco) |
710 | |
150. | edwinrhc (Edwin HC) |
707 | |
151. | mithindev (MITHIN DEV ) |
694 | |
152. | emachipana (Enmanuel Chipana) |
690 | |
153. | gersongams (Gerson Garrido) |
688 | |
154. | brian-emarquez (Brian Marquez) |
686 | |
155. | drkdevv1 (Jose Calderon) |
686 | |
156. | TMedalith (Tatiana Medalith) |
682 | |
157. | matiskay (Edgar Marca) |
674 | |
158. | jafethdc (Jafeth Díaz) |
665 | |
159. | gastonrodrig (Gaston Alonso Rodriguez Herrera) |
657 | |
160. | jhony-v (Jhony Vega) |
648 | |
161. | bralegz (Bryan Alegria) |
645 | |
162. | 2003scott (Diego Scott) |
643 | |
163. | Elcrackje (Jose Gutierrez) |
641 | |
164. | dennisbot (Dennis Huillca Portilla) |
632 | |
165. | KattyaCuevas (Kattya Cuevas) |
629 | |
166. | bdiazc90 (Bruno Díaz) |
624 | |
167. | Oxicode (Christian Quispe H) |
613 | |
168. | GustavoUT22 (Gustavo Ugarte) |
606 | |
169. | rothhound (Gianfranco Montoya) |
605 | |
170. | Geffrerson7 (Gefferson Casasola) |
594 | |
171. | ivangonzalez224 (Iván Gonzalez) |
593 | |
172. | darwinroa (Darwin Roa) |
592 | |
173. | hcjessica (Jessica Huancollo Chambi) |
590 | |
174. | SkivaDev (Fabrizio Ortiz Orellana) |
589 | |
175. | oscargicast (Oscar) |
577 | |
176. | rtbustamantec (Raul Bustamante) |
576 | |
177. | enzoftware (Enzo Lizama Paredes ) |
576 | |
178. | lgcarlinf (Luiggy Carlin Felix) |
568 | |
179. | CristianLazoQuispe (Cristian Lazo Quispe) |
567 | |
180. | atejada (Blag) |
555 | |
181. | totallynotdavid (David) |
545 | |
182. | klujanrosas (Kenneth Luján Rosas) |
543 | |
183. | jpsca (Juan-Pablo Scaletti) |
540 | |
184. | efrainbautista (Efrain Bautista) |
537 | |
185. | javierescobare (Javier Escobar) |
534 | |
186. | luiisca (Luis Cadillo) |
532 | |
187. | RageHardrack (Dan Colmenares) |
531 | |
188. | arturopuente (Arturo Puente) |
530 | |
189. | DaisyGeraldine (Tachi) |
527 | |
190. | MistyBlunch (Grace Nikole) |
526 | |
191. | cjosue15 (Carlos Morales) |
525 | |
192. | AngelRodRo (Alejandro) |
525 | |
193. | paulvl (Paul Vidal) |
524 | |
194. | Alvaro-Neyra (Alvaro Alberto Neyra Salazar) |
520 | |
195. | TheFabi8A (Fabian Ochoa) |
510 | |
196. | dianaclabel (Diana Clabel ) |
503 | |
197. | jeffreymonjacastro (Jeffrey Monja Castro) |
502 | |
198. | juanRCoder (Juan Ramirez) |
499 | |
199. | roque363 (Roque Alarcon) |
496 | |
200. | mario21ic (Mario IC) |
491 | |
201. | iLTW1n (José Oscátegui) |
489 | |
202. | csaybar (Cesar Aybar) |
487 | |
203. | Nkaleth (Nilton Segura) |
483 | |
204. | elbereth (Alexandre Devilliers) |
476 | |
205. | HansUrpay (Hans Urpay) |
473 | |
206. | juanpablocs (Juan pablo) |
471 | |
207. | shinnmar (Shirley Ramos Martínez) |
471 | |
208. | Darkas-Overgold (Manuel Stephano Chavez Anton) |
469 | |
209. | soncco (Braulio Soncco) |
466 | |
210. | Railly (Railly Hugo) |
466 | |
211. | pepeul1191 (Pepe Valdivia) |
460 | |
212. | outlierd29 (David Ascencios Rondón) |
459 | |
213. | mabmab159 (Miguel Berrio) |
458 | |
214. | jmayta1984 (Jorge M) |
457 | |
215. | annalbirena (Anna Albirena) |
450 | |
216. | alexmarinmendez (Alex Marin Mendez) |
449 | |
217. | andrevst (André Tonelli) |
436 | |
218. | gianpaulbs (Gianpaul Bernal) |
434 | |
219. | CrhistianT7 (Crhistian Turpo) |
421 | |
220. | javierdamiani (Javier Damiani) |
420 | |
221. | angelnunezsalazar (Angel Nuñez) |
412 | |
222. | jersson (Jersson Dongo) |
408 | |
223. | Gitbertod (Gilberto Diaz) |
406 | |
224. | fericell2909 (Marco Estrada Lopez) |
406 | |
225. | GaryHilares (Gary Hilares) |
405 | |
226. | cerberodev (Pierre Guillen) |
403 | |
227. | juliogarciag (Julio García Gonzales) |
403 | |
228. | kranfix (Frank Moreno) |
399 | |
229. | mysticBel (Maribel Maza) |
399 | |
230. | aragonc (Alex Aragon Calixto) |
397 | |
231. | joaquingx (joaquin) |
390 | |
232. | jgcamiloaga (Johann Camiloaga) |
389 | |
233. | hunter4466 (Mario Chois) |
388 | |
234. | henrychavez (Henry Chavez) |
383 | |
235. | ManuelaFlores (Manuela Flores) |
383 | |
236. | Jamp (Jaro Marval) |
379 | |
237. | edwinpgm (Edwin Gonzales) |
376 | |
238. | brianmsm (Brian Norman Peña Calero) |
376 | |
239. | GiancarlosIO (Giancarlos Isasi) |
375 | |
240. | JosephLlacchua (Joseph Llacchua) |
370 | |
241. | stazdx (Staz) |
364 | |
242. | jesteban19 (Joseph Esteban) |
360 | |
243. | zodiacfireworks (Martín Josemaría) |
355 | |
244. | loweffort-alt (Dario Alexander Farfan Navarro) |
349 | |
245. | diegotc86 (Diego Torres) |
348 | |
246. | nad21lc (Nadia Lucas) |
347 | |
247. | ever864 (Ever Francisco Ponce Lara) |
347 | |
248. | Rigo85 (Rigoberto L. Salgado Reyes) |
344 | |
249. | jdbs9514 (Josué Benavides) |
344 | |
250. | VictorMarcas (Victor Marcas) |
339 | |
251. | antoniott15 (antonio toche) |
337 | |
252. | RoyHuamanAvila (RoyAndresDev) |
337 | |
253. | f1729 (Luis) |
337 | |
254. | lavaldi (Claudia Valdivieso) |
335 | |
255. | godofredoninja (GodoFredo) |
335 | |
256. | ondoheer (Pedro Baumann) |
334 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | codeableorg | 4 |
2. | rubyperu | 3 |
3. | ableco | 2 |
4. | upc-ing-sw | 2 |
5. | bitzeppelin | 2 |
6. | chamilo | 2 |
7. | r-earthengine | 2 |
8. | perujug | 2 |
9. | eddiehubcommunity | 2 |
10. | mozillaperu | 2 |