A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Worldwide over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-01-13 17:12:20 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
This list contains all public commits for each user. There are 142605189 total users in the region and you need at least 294 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
[![eplus.dev badge](https://user-badge.eplus.dev/worldwide/USERNAME.svg)](https://user-badge.eplus.dev/worldwide/USERNAME)
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In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | themiralay (Enes Can Işık) |
129608 | |
2. | wizardforcel (布客飞龙) |
57688 | |
3. | rgbkrk (Kyle Kelley) |
49340 | |
4. | zhaoolee (zhaoolee) |
33357 | |
5. | aeneasr (hackerman) |
24929 | |
6. | RamiKrispin (Rami Krispin) |
24435 | |
7. | yegor256 (Yegor Bugayenko) |
17190 | |
8. | Anduin2017 (Anduin Xue) |
6140 | |
9. | vladmandic (Vladimir Mandic) |
5308 | |
10. | natew (Nate Wienert) |
4547 | |
11. | jeroen (Jeroen Ooms) |
4405 | |
12. | EricLBuehler (Eric Buehler) |
4276 | |
13. | jaywcjlove (小弟调调) |
4244 | |
14. | hooopo (Hooopo) |
4037 | |
15. | JJ (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós) |
3877 | |
16. | bokkypoobah (pornadocash.eth@onlyfan.eth lovenotwar.eth) |
3310 | |
17. | tarsius (Jonas Bernoulli) |
3138 | |
18. | sxzz (Kevin Deng 三咲智子) |
2871 | |
19. | rstropek (Rainer Stropek) |
2870 | |
20. | minrk (Min RK) |
2866 | |
21. | MilesCranmer (Miles Cranmer) |
2841 | |
22. | CursedPrograms (Cursed Entertainment) |
2759 | |
23. | vincentarelbundock (Vincent Arel-Bundock) |
2389 | |
24. | yuliskov (Yuriy L) |
2338 | |
25. | brendt (Brent Roose) |
2250 | |
26. | ice1000 (Tesla Zhang) |
2223 | |
27. | caarlos0 (Carlos Alexandro Becker) |
2185 | |
28. | adamchainz (Adam Johnson) |
1993 | |
29. | graykode (Tae Hwan Jung) |
1942 | |
30. | robjhyndman (Rob J Hyndman) |
1930 | |
31. | boojack () |
1909 | |
32. | hantsy (Hantsy Bai) |
1698 | |
33. | jamesgpearce (James Pearce) |
1691 | |
34. | huiyadanli (辉鸭蛋) |
1626 | |
35. | zardus (Yan Shoshitaishvili) |
1579 | |
36. | bahmutov (Gleb Bahmutov) |
1576 | |
37. | fasterthanlime (Amos Wenger) |
1569 | |
38. | mcollina (Matteo Collina) |
1532 | |
39. | codereport (Conor Hoekstra) |
1531 | |
40. | baku89 (Baku 麦) |
1511 | |
41. | mosra (Vladimír Vondruš) |
1504 | |
42. | johnbillion (John Blackbourn) |
1489 | |
43. | jaredhanson (Jared Hanson) |
1448 | |
44. | curran (Curran Kelleher) |
1435 | |
45. | transitive-bullshit (Travis Fischer) |
1430 | |
46. | standardgalactic (Cogito Ergo Sum) |
1421 | |
47. | imteekay (TK) |
1402 | |
48. | ripienaar (R.I.Pienaar) |
1397 | |
49. | paulmillr (Paul Miller) |
1392 | |
50. | fzaninotto (Francois Zaninotto) |
1388 | |
51. | yyx990803 (Evan You) |
1365 | |
52. | revolunet (Julien Bouquillon) |
1322 | |
53. | jessfraz (Jess Frazelle) |
1246 | |
54. | VictorTaelin (Victor Taelin) |
1240 | |
55. | mikecao (Mike Cao) |
1234 | |
56. | fregante () |
1233 | |
57. | dcramer (David Cramer) |
1187 | |
58. | volkanceylan (Volkan Ceylan) |
1179 | |
59. | shivammathur (Shivam Mathur) |
1160 | |
60. | fornwall (Fredrik Fornwall) |
1109 | |
61. | philwebb (Phillip Webb) |
1071 | |
62. | lohanidamodar (Damodar Lohani) |
1068 | |
63. | jart (Justine Tunney) |
1035 | |
64. | danielmiessler (Daniel Miessler) |
1028 | |
65. | stefmolin (Stefanie Molin) |
1016 | |
66. | cpojer (Christoph Nakazawa) |
1006 | |
67. | jeremyevans (Jeremy Evans) |
1000 | |
68. | graemerocher (Graeme Rocher) |
995 | |
69. | jglick (Jesse Glick) |
995 | |
70. | alexey-goloburdin (Alexey Goloburdin) |
989 | |
71. | anonrig (Yagiz Nizipli) |
976 | |
72. | AllenDowney (Allen Downey) |
970 | |
73. | slavapestov (Slava Pestov) |
956 | |
74. | MarisaKirisame (霧雨魔理沙) |
949 | |
75. | Marak () |
943 | |
76. | fonsp (Fons van der Plas) |
942 | |
77. | MercersKitchen (Mark Mercer) |
932 | |
78. | Ysurac (Ycarus (Yannick Chabanois)) |
927 | |
79. | SinaKarvandi (Sina Karvandi) |
922 | |
80. | kbroman (Karl Broman) |
917 | |
81. | gwern (Gwern Branwen) |
884 | |
82. | hunkim (Sung Kim) |
874 | |
83. | zzzeek (Michael Bayer) |
854 | |
84. | Gankra (Aria Desires) |
849 | |
85. | davidkpiano (David Khourshid) |
817 | |
86. | jackyzha0 (Jacky Zhao) |
808 | |
87. | JawherKl (Jawher Kl) |
804 | |
88. | mazipan (Irfan Maulana) |
794 | |
89. | compnerd (Saleem Abdulrasool) |
782 | |
90. | tmc (Travis Cline) |
772 | |
91. | minlwin (Min Lwin) |
770 | |
92. | thomasp85 (Thomas Lin Pedersen) |
767 | |
93. | ScriptedAlchemy (Zack Jackson) |
764 | |
94. | dunglas (Kévin Dunglas) |
743 | |
95. | stevekinney (Steve Kinney) |
741 | |
96. | v0lkan (Volkan Özçelik) |
738 | |
97. | AbdelStark (A₿del ∞/21M) |
719 | |
98. | antoniolg (Antonio Leiva) |
710 | |
99. | niuhuan () |
701 | |
100. | giggio (Giovanni Bassi) |
699 | |
101. | WrathChaos (FreakyCoder) |
693 | |
102. | eirannejad (Ehsan Iran-Nejad) |
693 | |
103. | r17x (RiN) |
692 | |
104. | tomwechsler (Tom Wechsler [Microsoft Azure & CDM MVP]) |
669 | |
105. | GrahamDumpleton (Graham Dumpleton) |
659 | |
106. | vstinner (Victor Stinner) |
650 | |
107. | kitten (Phil Pluckthun) |
644 | |
108. | jasonlong (Jason Long) |
642 | |
109. | leimao (Lei Mao) |
637 | |
110. | nagadomi () |
635 | |
111. | howardwu (Howard Wu) |
627 | |
112. | brucefan1983 (Zheyong Fan) |
621 | |
113. | JohnMwendwa (John Mwendwa) |
610 | |
114. | aaronpk (Aaron Parecki) |
610 | |
115. | pngwn (pngwn) |
607 | |
116. | bashtage (Kevin Sheppard) |
599 | |
117. | kriskowal (Kris Kowal) |
595 | |
118. | mauricedb (Maurice de Beijer) |
593 | |
119. | dmotz (Dan Motzenbecker) |
588 | |
120. | WindowsAddict (WindowsAddict) |
585 | |
121. | bbengfort (Benjamin Bengfort) |
582 | |
122. | TeoCalvo (Teo Calvo) |
579 | |
123. | zippy (Eric Harris-Braun) |
570 | |
124. | duongminh318 () |
563 | |
125. | wenzhixin (文翼) |
554 | |
126. | phil-opp (Philipp Oppermann) |
551 | |
127. | jaspervdj (Jasper Van der Jeugt) |
550 | |
128. | wcandillon (William Candillon) |
544 | |
129. | willingc (Carol Willing) |
540 | |
130. | itsparsh10 (Sparsh Sharma) |
527 | |
131. | sebastienros (Sébastien Ros) |
520 | |
132. | jamesmontemagno (James Montemagno) |
517 | |
133. | ewolff (Eberhard Wolff) |
510 | |
134. | avatorl (Andrzej Leszkiewicz) |
510 | |
135. | sorah (Sorah Fukumori) |
502 | |
136. | rtfeldman (Richard Feldman) |
499 | |
137. | seancorfield (Sean Corfield) |
497 | |
138. | astrojuanlu (Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez) |
484 | |
139. | sibelius (Sibelius Seraphini) |
477 | |
140. | Aakashdeveloper (Aakash ) |
472 | |
141. | abi (Abi Raja) |
471 | |
142. | SoftFever (SoftFever) |
468 | |
143. | sivaprasadreddy (K. Siva Prasad Reddy) |
467 | |
144. | svenstaro (Sven-Hendrik Haase) |
465 | |
145. | ProgrammingHero1 (Programming Hero) |
463 | |
146. | ixartz (Remi Wg) |
462 | |
147. | psibi (Sibi Prabakaran) |
460 | |
148. | terrakok (Konstantin) |
453 | |
149. | whatyouhide (Andrea Leopardi) |
448 | |
150. | goncy (Gonzalo Pozzo) |
438 | |
151. | jacobgil (Jacob Gildenblat) |
421 | |
152. | sffc (Shane F. Carr) |
421 | |
153. | acheong08 (Antonio Cheong) |
420 | |
154. | PatilShreyas (Shreyas Patil) |
416 | |
155. | Shahzaib-D-Memon (Shahzaib Memon) |
415 | |
156. | nicejade (杨轩帅) |
409 | |
157. | johnynek (P. Oscar Boykin) |
407 | |
158. | sudheerj (Sudheer Jonna) |
406 | |
159. | wisdompeak () |
404 | |
160. | iBotPeaches (Connor Tumbleson) |
395 | |
161. | tyrchen (Tyr Chen) |
383 | |
162. | erikaheidi (Erika Heidi) |
380 | |
163. | tpapp (Tamas K. Papp) |
380 | |
164. | Trott (Rich Trott) |
377 | |
165. | nilsteampassnet (Nils Laumaillé) |
376 | |
166. | patak-dev (patak) |
374 | |
167. | MsLolita (Web3 Enjoyer) |
373 | |
168. | fassko (Kristaps Grinbergs) |
371 | |
169. | bradtraversy (Brad Traversy) |
370 | |
170. | anvaka (Andrei Kashcha) |
366 | |
171. | vermakhushboo (Khushboo Verma) |
360 | |
172. | sachac (Sacha Chua) |
357 | |
173. | flaviopavim (Flávio Pavim) |
354 | |
174. | twostraws (Paul Hudson) |
348 | |
175. | phongnguyend (Phong Nguyen) |
344 | |
176. | achimnol (Joongi Kim) |
343 | |
177. | dominikh (Dominik Honnef) |
343 | |
178. | chrisdavidmills (Chris Mills) |
329 | |
179. | lacolaco (Suguru Inatomi) |
329 | |
180. | treyhunner (Trey Hunner) |
328 | |
181. | cssmagic (CSS魔法) |
314 | |
182. | mizchi (Kotaro Chikuba) |
313 | |
183. | loopj (James Smith) |
306 | |
184. | muellerzr (Zach Mueller) |
296 | |
185. | HappyLuckYesterday (happy) |
289 | |
186. | doodlewind (Yifeng Wang) |
289 | |
187. | trallard (Tania Allard) |
286 | |
188. | Mr-Wiseguy (Wiseguy) |
285 | |
189. | CyanVoxel (Travis Abendshien) |
284 | |
190. | SEAbdulbasit (Abdul Basit) |
280 | |
191. | TruthHun (进击的皇虫) |
277 | |
192. | cer (Chris Richardson) |
276 | |
193. | serras (Alejandro Serrano) |
275 | |
194. | andrewbranch (Andrew Branch) |
274 | |
195. | lyswhut (lyswhut) |
271 | |
196. | championswimmer (Arnav Gupta) |
267 | |
197. | torkelo (Torkel Ödegaard) |
264 | |
198. | typicode () |
263 | |
199. | jpetazzo (Jérôme Petazzoni) |
261 | |
200. | rmanguinho (Rodrigo Manguinho) |
261 | |
201. | hwdsl2 (Lin Song) |
260 | |
202. | richlander (Rich Lander) |
259 | |
203. | simoninithomas (Thomas Simonini) |
251 | |
204. | faisalman (Faisal Salman) |
247 | |
205. | mcxiaoke (Hello World) |
242 | |
206. | toly1994328 (张风捷特烈) |
242 | |
207. | mabelolivera10 (MABEL QUISPE OLIVERA) |
242 | |
208. | mrdoob () |
236 | |
209. | techgaun (Samar Dhwoj Acharya) |
234 | |
210. | jeonghwan-kim (김정환) |
233 | |
211. | tongueroo (Tung Nguyen) |
232 | |
212. | Domenicobrz () |
227 | |
213. | vladmeer (Vladimeer) |
227 | |
214. | lokesh (Lokesh Dhakar) |
223 | |
215. | joker1007 (Tomohiro Hashidate) |
221 | |
216. | amirisback (Faisal Amir) |
221 | |
217. | nathalylorena (nathaly) |
220 | |
218. | tbarbugli (Tommaso Barbugli) |
220 | |
219. | AliRn76 (Ali RajabNezhad) |
218 | |
220. | Daynlight (🐢D A Y N L I G H T🐢) |
217 | |
221. | wangrunji0408 (Runji Wang) |
215 | |
222. | rishavchanda (Rishav Chanda) |
214 | |
223. | jgrandja (Joe Grandja) |
210 | |
224. | benhoyt (Ben Hoyt) |
209 | |
225. | yuanchuan (Yuan Chuan) |
209 | |
226. | yzhao062 (Yue Zhao) |
207 | |
227. | EtherDream (EtherDream) |
207 | |
228. | Tomato6966 (Chrissy8283 (aka Tomato6966)) |
206 | |
229. | kohsuke (Kohsuke Kawaguchi) |
205 | |
230. | ondras (Ondřej Žára) |
204 | |
231. | markmead (Mark M) |
202 | |
232. | brockallen (Brock Allen) |
199 | |
233. | andrewjmead (Andrew Mead) |
196 | |
234. | Priler (Abraham Tugalov) |
193 | |
235. | ustc-zzzz (Yanbing Zhao) |
191 | |
236. | coryodaniel (Cory O'Daniel) |
189 | |
237. | Chensokheng (Chensokheng) |
187 | |
238. | hugsy (crazy hugsy) |
187 | |
239. | ProLoser (Dean Sofer) |
186 | |
240. | burakorkmez (Burak) |
185 | |
241. | Alexasja (Alexandre Christie Arkatama) |
180 | |
242. | aceld (刘丹冰) |
174 | |
243. | Loyalsoldier (Loyalsoldier) |
172 | |
244. | hiteshchoudhary (Hitesh Choudhary) |
167 | |
245. | clauswilke (Claus Wilke) |
166 | |
246. | tomnemec (Tom) |
166 | |
247. | mislav (Mislav Marohnić) |
165 | |
248. | armancodv (Arman Kolahan) |
163 | |
249. | morganm94 (Morgan Mastrangelo) |
163 | |
250. | jnewbery (John Newbery) |
159 | |
251. | sergeyleschev (Sergey Leschev ✓⃝) |
159 | |
252. | geffzhang (geffzhang) |
154 | |
253. | shaonianzhentan (Monkey • D • Code) |
152 | |
254. | acekyd (Adewale Abati) |
151 | |
255. | steniowagner (Stenio Wagner) |
151 | |
256. | Chillee (Horace He) |
148 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | microsoft | 6 |
2. | dotnet | 4 |
3. | huggingface | 4 |
4. | jupyter | 4 |
5. | conda-forge | 4 |
6. | vitejs | 3 |
7. | nteract | 3 |
8. | nodejs | 3 |
9. | ipython | 3 |
10. | nixos | 3 |