A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Worldwide over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-05 15:40:58 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 151488980 total users in the region and you need at least 2328 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | horsicq (Hors) |
88916 | |
2. | wizardforcel (布客飞龙) |
60500 | |
3. | deezertidal (yfamily) |
42239 | |
4. | isyuricunha (Yuri) |
39490 | |
5. | cmliu (CMLiussss) |
25024 | |
6. | omololevy (Levy Omolo) |
18971 | |
7. | tianon (Tianon Gravi) |
11680 | |
8. | phodal (Fengda Huang) |
8622 | |
9. | sibelius (Sibelius Seraphini) |
8203 | |
10. | josh (Joshua Peek) |
7121 | |
11. | devxoul (Jeon Suyeol) |
6886 | |
12. | jherr (Jack Herrington) |
6744 | |
13. | peppy (Dean Herbert) |
6378 | |
14. | skydoves (Jaewoong Eum) |
6134 | |
15. | nelsonic (Nelson) |
5785 | |
16. | transitive-bullshit (Travis Fischer) |
5733 | |
17. | azu (azu) |
5711 | |
18. | ankane (Andrew Kane) |
5690 | |
19. | maliming () |
5660 | |
20. | jaywcjlove (小弟调调) |
5631 | |
21. | GrahamCampbell (Graham Campbell) |
5430 | |
22. | excid3 (Chris Oliver) |
5426 | |
23. | mitchellh (Mitchell Hashimoto) |
5076 | |
24. | midudev (Miguel Ángel Durán) |
5029 | |
25. | hadley (Hadley Wickham) |
5006 | |
26. | kishikawakatsumi (Kishikawa Katsumi) |
4994 | |
27. | Connor9994 (Connor) |
4984 | |
28. | shahednasser (Shahed Nasser) |
4978 | |
29. | rstacruz (Rico Sta. Cruz) |
4947 | |
30. | LaurentMazare (Laurent Mazare) |
4833 | |
31. | emilk (Emil Ernerfeldt) |
4692 | |
32. | kamyu104 (kamyu) |
4427 | |
33. | lucidrains (Phil Wang) |
4385 | |
34. | mcollina (Matteo Collina) |
4377 | |
35. | koush (Koushik Dutta) |
4300 | |
36. | giswqs (Qiusheng Wu) |
4280 | |
37. | jesseduffield (Jesse Duffield) |
4266 | |
38. | simonw (Simon Willison) |
4217 | |
39. | andrewlock (Andrew Lock) |
4146 | |
40. | ahmadawais (Ahmad Awais ⌘) |
4105 | |
41. | rootsongjc (Jimmy Song) |
4078 | |
42. | ekzhang (Eric Zhang) |
3993 | |
43. | ranaroussi (Ran Aroussi) |
3938 | |
44. | JakeWharton (Jake Wharton) |
3933 | |
45. | waylybaye (Baye) |
3926 | |
46. | nikic (Nikita Popov) |
3886 | |
47. | mouredev (Brais Moure) |
3860 | |
48. | leifermendez (Leifer Mendez) |
3781 | |
49. | blocage (David) |
3733 | |
50. | afgprogrammer (Mohammad Rahmani) |
3650 | |
51. | tiangolo (Sebastián Ramírez) |
3577 | |
52. | willmcgugan (Will McGugan) |
3500 | |
53. | bizz84 (Andrea Bizzotto) |
3498 | |
54. | kulikov-dev () |
3434 | |
55. | ligi (ligi) |
3433 | |
56. | felangel (Felix Angelov) |
3340 | |
57. | atinux (Sébastien Chopin) |
3316 | |
58. | MrXyfir (xyfir) |
3282 | |
59. | timothystewart6 (Techno Tim) |
3194 | |
60. | fasterthanlime (Amos Wenger) |
3185 | |
61. | mercyblitz (Mercy Ma) |
3179 | |
62. | cpojer (Christoph Nakazawa) |
3170 | |
63. | MaskRay (Fangrui Song) |
3107 | |
64. | freekmurze (Freek Van der Herten) |
3031 | |
65. | jrosebr1 (Adrian Rosebrock) |
3015 | |
66. | michalsnik (Michał Sajnóg) |
2986 | |
67. | CompuIves (Ives van Hoorne) |
2875 | |
68. | hanxiao (Han Xiao) |
2839 | |
69. | ZeroCho (Hyunyoung Cho) |
2807 | |
70. | DIYgod (DIYgod) |
2786 | |
71. | coryhouse (Cory House) |
2746 | |
72. | yetone (yetone) |
2741 | |
73. | alexellis (Alex Ellis) |
2701 | |
74. | lemire (Daniel Lemire) |
2685 | |
75. | mxcl (Max Howell) |
2682 | |
76. | fzaninotto (Francois Zaninotto) |
2679 | |
77. | Ocramius (Marco Pivetta) |
2669 | |
78. | oliviertassinari (Olivier Tassinari) |
2631 | |
79. | buger (Leonid Bugaev) |
2630 | |
80. | shu223 (Shuichi Tsutsumi) |
2554 | |
81. | geohot (George Hotz) |
2541 | |
82. | kognise (Lexi Mattick) |
2485 | |
83. | mob-sakai (mob-sakai) |
2451 | |
84. | basarat (Basarat Ali Syed) |
2436 | |
85. | driesvints (Dries Vints) |
2418 | |
86. | balloob (Paulus Schoutsen) |
2411 | |
87. | Brooooooklyn (LongYinan) |
2409 | |
88. | samuelcolvin (Samuel Colvin) |
2384 | |
89. | nswbmw (nswbmw) |
2369 | |
90. | pydanny (Daniel Roy Greenfeld) |
2344 | |
91. | sdiehl (Stephen Diehl) |
2313 | |
92. | kazupon (kazuya kawaguchi) |
2297 | |
93. | cnlohr (cnlohr) |
2257 | |
94. | posva (Eduardo San Martin Morote) |
2224 | |
95. | buckyroberts (Bucky Roberts) |
2191 | |
96. | Timer (Joe Haddad) |
2183 | |
97. | JamesNK (James Newton-King) |
2161 | |
98. | whitequark (Catherine) |
2140 | |
99. | poteto (lauren) |
2138 | |
100. | mattt (Mattt) |
2107 | |
101. | jsuarezruiz (Javier Suárez) |
2097 | |
102. | holtzy (Holtz Yan) |
2067 | |
103. | SaurabhSSB (Saurabh Singh Bhandari) |
2046 | |
104. | twpayne (Tom Payne) |
2038 | |
105. | raysan5 (Ray) |
2031 | |
106. | bulutluoz (Bulutluoz) |
2013 | |
107. | davidfowl (David Fowler) |
2010 | |
108. | kennethreitz (Kenneth Reitz) |
2000 | |
109. | kripken (Alon Zakai) |
1987 | |
110. | mluukkai (Matti Luukkainen) |
1984 | |
111. | VikParuchuri (Vik Paruchuri) |
1976 | |
112. | Seldaek (Jordi Boggiano) |
1971 | |
113. | IonicaBizau (Ionică Bizău (Johnny B.)) |
1970 | |
114. | matryer (Mat Ryer) |
1970 | |
115. | laurent22 (Laurent Cozic) |
1955 | |
116. | paullewis (Paul Lewis) |
1953 | |
117. | wasabeef (Daichi Furiya) |
1946 | |
118. | jdalton (John-David Dalton) |
1933 | |
119. | vedovelli (Fábio Vedovelli) |
1922 | |
120. | TooTallNate (Nathan Rajlich) |
1917 | |
121. | yonggekkk (甬哥侃侃侃ygkkk) |
1906 | |
122. | aryashah2k (Arya Shah) |
1901 | |
123. | mbostock (Mike Bostock) |
1884 | |
124. | AntonioErdeljac (Antonio Erdeljac) |
1882 | |
125. | hiyouga (hoshi-hiyouga) |
1878 | |
126. | jakevdp (Jake Vanderplas) |
1871 | |
127. | bahmutov (Gleb Bahmutov) |
1852 | |
128. | EcZachly (Zach Wilson) |
1834 | |
129. | reinink (Jonathan Reinink) |
1831 | |
130. | digoal (Digoal.zhou) |
1810 | |
131. | sokra (Tobias Koppers) |
1809 | |
132. | ScriptedAlchemy (Zack Jackson) |
1806 | |
133. | SpruceGabriela (Gabriela Pinheiro) |
1799 | |
134. | sharkdp (David Peter) |
1796 | |
135. | tiye (题叶) |
1792 | |
136. | wenshao (Shaojin Wen) |
1776 | |
137. | micaelomota (Micael Mota) |
1768 | |
138. | sirupsen (Simon Eskildsen) |
1768 | |
139. | evilsocket (Simone Margaritelli) |
1766 | |
140. | sindresorhus (Sindre Sorhus) |
1763 | |
141. | vczh () |
1744 | |
142. | BurntSushi (Andrew Gallant) |
1736 | |
143. | rvagg (Rod Vagg) |
1730 | |
144. | sb2nov (Sourabh Bajaj) |
1714 | |
145. | Germey (Germey) |
1703 | |
146. | algorithmzuo (左程云) |
1693 | |
147. | m-jovanovic (Milan Jovanović) |
1676 | |
148. | evancz (Evan Czaplicki) |
1675 | |
149. | dusty-nv (Dustin Franklin) |
1670 | |
150. | holman (Zach Holman) |
1661 | |
151. | wkentaro (Kentaro Wada) |
1655 | |
152. | c9s () |
1642 | |
153. | terrytangyuan (Yuan Tang) |
1635 | |
154. | formidablae (Andi Ferhati) |
1630 | |
155. | danistefanovic (Daniel Stefanovic) |
1580 | |
156. | brentvatne (Brent Vatne) |
1567 | |
157. | loopj (James Smith) |
1563 | |
158. | latentflip (Philip Roberts) |
1562 | |
159. | gitster (Junio C Hamano) |
1535 | |
160. | CamDavidsonPilon (Cameron Davidson-Pilon) |
1517 | |
161. | Lissy93 (Alicia Sykes) |
1516 | |
162. | steveruizok (Steve Ruiz) |
1515 | |
163. | zcbenz (Cheng) |
1515 | |
164. | gcanti (Giulio Canti) |
1508 | |
165. | surma (Surma) |
1503 | |
166. | vinta (Vinta Chen) |
1479 | |
167. | miyagawa (Tatsuhiko Miyagawa) |
1476 | |
168. | dyc87112 (程序猿DD) |
1476 | |
169. | satya164 (Satyajit Sahoo) |
1472 | |
170. | jgilfelt (Jeff Gilfelt) |
1447 | |
171. | rhiever (Randy Olson) |
1441 | |
172. | argyleink (Adam Argyle) |
1439 | |
173. | dunossauro (Eduardo Mendes) |
1438 | |
174. | vinceliuice (Vince) |
1431 | |
175. | SteveMacenski (Steve Macenski) |
1430 | |
176. | yihong0618 (yihong) |
1419 | |
177. | s0md3v (Somdev Sangwan) |
1404 | |
178. | renatogroffe (Renato Groffe) |
1395 | |
179. | agentzh (Yichun Zhang) |
1393 | |
180. | JanDeDobbeleer (Jan De Dobbeleer) |
1391 | |
181. | akira-cn (Yvo) |
1380 | |
182. | 3b1b (Grant Sanderson) |
1374 | |
183. | dhh (David Heinemeier Hansson) |
1372 | |
184. | swankjesse (Jesse Wilson) |
1371 | |
185. | davidkpiano (David Khourshid) |
1362 | |
186. | conanak99 (Phạm Huy Hoàng) |
1357 | |
187. | diegoveloper (Diego Velásquez) |
1346 | |
188. | benawad (Ben Awad) |
1335 | |
189. | Dhravya (Dhravya Shah) |
1335 | |
190. | creationix (Tim Caswell) |
1332 | |
191. | MarcusNg (Marcus Ng) |
1292 | |
192. | hyperb1iss (Stefanie Jane) |
1279 | |
193. | rustdesk (RustDesk) |
1275 | |
194. | doodlewind (Yifeng Wang) |
1275 | |
195. | andrewjmead (Andrew Mead) |
1273 | |
196. | Hendrixer (Scott Moss) |
1254 | |
197. | hasherezade (hasherezade) |
1254 | |
198. | chenglou (Cheng Lou) |
1252 | |
199. | Xe (Xe Iaso) |
1243 | |
200. | karpathy (Andrej) |
1241 | |
201. | filiph (Filip Hracek) |
1240 | |
202. | AllenDowney (Allen Downey) |
1238 | |
203. | luin (Zihua Li) |
1233 | |
204. | dvyukov (Dmitry Vyukov) |
1214 | |
205. | SaraVieira (Sara Vieira) |
1213 | |
206. | fazt (Fazt) |
1209 | |
207. | GloriousEggroll (Thomas Crider) |
1198 | |
208. | atilsamancioglu (Atıl Samancıoğlu) |
1185 | |
209. | webdevcody (Web Dev Cody) |
1182 | |
210. | Urigo (Uri Goldshtein) |
1180 | |
211. | rochacbruno (Bruno Rocha) |
1180 | |
212. | ziaukhan (Zia Khan) |
1158 | |
213. | cypherm0nk (cypherm0nk) |
1139 | |
214. | mitsuhiko (Armin Ronacher) |
1128 | |
215. | thesephist (Linus Lee) |
1124 | |
216. | juliasilge (Julia Silge) |
1124 | |
217. | sebmarkbage (Sebastian Markbåge) |
1113 | |
218. | addyosmani (Addy Osmani) |
1110 | |
219. | CHYbeta (chybeta) |
1106 | |
220. | killme2008 (dennis zhuang) |
1105 | |
221. | birobirobiro (João Inácio Neto) |
1096 | |
222. | mjackson (Michael Jackson) |
1047 | |
223. | argentinaluiz (Luiz Carlos) |
1038 | |
224. | neauoire (Devine Lu Linvega) |
1034 | |
225. | SkalskiP (Piotr Skalski) |
1032 | |
226. | yoshuawuyts (Yosh) |
1022 | |
227. | transmissions11 (t11s) |
1020 | |
228. | pissang (Yi Shen) |
1008 | |
229. | meliksahyorulmazlar (Meliksah Yorulmazlar) |
1000 | |
230. | ashtom (Thomas Dohmke) |
999 | |
231. | KrauseFx (Felix Krause) |
994 | |
232. | domenic (Domenic Denicola) |
993 | |
233. | pomber (Rodrigo Pombo) |
977 | |
234. | egonSchiele (Aditya Bhargava) |
974 | |
235. | khannedy (Eko Kurniawan Khannedy) |
965 | |
236. | bnoordhuis (Ben Noordhuis) |
962 | |
237. | captainsafia (Safia Abdalla) |
956 | |
238. | earlephilhower (Earle F. Philhower, III) |
955 | |
239. | cyanzhong (Ying Zhong) |
921 | |
240. | atomiks () |
920 | |
241. | frontend-joe (Joe) |
919 | |
242. | lxgw (ʟxɢᴡ) |
890 | |
243. | walkor (walkor) |
881 | |
244. | ArisGuimera (AristiDevs) |
871 | |
245. | lauragrassig (Laura Grassi) |
867 | |
246. | kevinjycui (Kevin Junyang Cui) |
865 | |
247. | M0nica (Monica Powell) |
859 | |
248. | bbatsov (Bozhidar Batsov) |
853 | |
249. | JacksonTian (Jackson Tian) |
850 | |
250. | tqchen (Tianqi Chen) |
844 | |
251. | delbaoliveira (Delba de Oliveira) |
842 | |
252. | phith0n (Owen Gong) |
837 | |
253. | banteg () |
835 | |
254. | antonputra (Anton Putra) |
833 | |
255. | felixrieseberg (Felix Rieseberg) |
832 | |
256. | dashersw (Armagan Amcalar) |
830 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | microsoft | 7 |
2. | nodejs | 7 |
3. | conda-forge | 5 |
4. | reactjs | 5 |
5. | babel | 4 |
6. | vercel | 4 |
7. | tc39 | 4 |
8. | nteract | 3 |
9. | react-native-community | 3 |
10. | webassembly | 3 |